Online Strategy Games: “Fish Tycoon” plus 2 more

Online Strategy Games: “Fish Tycoon” plus 2 more

Fish Tycoon

Posted: 07 May 2006 12:00 AM PDT

In this fish-breeding simulation game, you're in charge of a real-time virtual fish store. Start with a small selection of fish, a little bit of cash and a tank. From there, it's up to you to breed, care for, and help your fish grow. Advertise to get a bigger customer base and finance purchases of food and medicine by selling your rare species. Take a break anytime you want. This real-time aquarium simulation will keep going when you're not around even if your PC is turned off!

Jail Escape

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Make a break for it in Jail Escape!

Cradle of Persia

Posted: 05 Dec 2009 12:00 AM PST

Build up the glorious heart of Ancient Persia in this engaging puzzle game! This land was adored with luxurious metals and gems that were set to impress peasants and visiting nobles alike. But its exotic gardens and impressive architecture have long since vanished in the passing sands. Now you have the chance to seek out the riddles of these ruins. To do this you will need skill and a keen wit, but the result will unlock a mystery never before seen by man, here in the Cradle of Persia.